Welcome to Electrical and Electronic Engineering!

Welcome to the vibrant community of the Electrical and Electronic Engineering Society at Adelaide University (EEESAU)! As you embark on your academic journey, we extend a warm welcome to all commencing students eager to explore the exciting world of electrical and electronic engineering. This website serves as your go-to guide for a seamless introduction to university life - navigating Orientation Week (O'Week) is a breeze with our comprehensive information, ensuring you make the most of this exciting introduction to campus life. We strongly encourage you to immerse yourself in the experience by attending O'Week events, where you can connect with fellow students and get a taste of the dynamic atmosphere within EEESAU. Be sure to participate in our design and build activity, fostering your practical skills and forging lifelong friendships. Don't miss out on the chance to enhance your university experience by purchasing an EEESAU membership (for the price of a coffee!), granting you access to exclusive events and resources throughout the year. Join us as we embark on a journey of innovation and excitement in the world of electrical and electronic engineering at the University of Adelaide!

- Yours, EEESAU ⚑

Official Welcome from Professor Nelson Tansu, Head of School, School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering (EME)Β 

2024 Head of School's Statement_EME_School_Orientation_Final.pdf

EEESAU's Orientation Schedule

Orientation Week (19-23 Feb) is going to be a huge week with many important (and exciting) activities run by the University, the Faculty, the School, YouX, and of course, EEESAU! So to make it easier for you as a commencing Electrical and Electronic Engineering student, we've combined all of these events into the one schedule below, along with registration links so you can navigate O'Week in style!

Monday 19th February

EME Societies Welcome (πŸ•š 11:00am-1:00pm, πŸ§‘β€πŸ« Florey Lecture Theatre, Helen Mayo North)

EEESAU is joining forces with the Adelaide Mechanical Engineering Student Society (AMESS) to welcome you life in the School of Electrical & Mechanical Engineering (EME). You'll hear from students and staff within the school, and also from representatives from the various project teams within the University about how you can get involved. About halfway through, Electrical and Electronic Engineering students will move together to another venue for an instruction to the EEE design and build challenge! If these sessions make you hungry, fear not because a free lunch will be provided!

International Student Welcome (πŸ•£ 8:30am-12:00pm OR 1:30pm-5:00pm, πŸ›οΈ Bonython Hall)

For all of our commencing international students, you'll be required to attend an International Student welcome session. The University is running both a morning session (register here) and an afternoon session (register here).

Tuesday 20th February

Faculty Welcome - Sciences, Engineering and Technology (πŸ•˜ 9:00am-10:00am, πŸ›οΈ Bonython Hall)

All SET students are invited to their faculty welcome. Hear from staff, current students and inspirational alumni to kick start the day! REGISTER HERE.

School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Welcome Session (πŸ•™ 10:00am-11:00am, πŸ›οΈ Bonython Hall)

This welcome session is for new commencing students at The University of Adelaide who are studying within the school of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering. REGISTER HERE.


This is a great chance to visit our Clubsland stall (see below)!

Labs open to work on design and build (πŸ•‘ 2pm-4pm, πŸ”Œ EEE Electronics Lab, Level 3 Engineering and Maths Sciences)

The EEE labs will be open and staffed by our team of mentors to allow you and your team time to work on your design and build challenge entry!

EEESAU's Clubsland Stall (πŸ•š 11am-3pm, β˜€οΈ Maths Lawns)

At some point during the day, be sure to stop by and say hi to some of our committee members at our Clubsland stall on the Maths Lawns. This is a great time to become an EEESAU member (and get a very snazzy sticker to decorate your ID card!).

Wednesday 21st February

Report Writing Session (πŸ•š 11am-12pm, πŸ§‘β€πŸ« Lower Napier LG29)

As part of the design and build, your team will need to write a report. Fear not, as our mentors from EEESAU and AMESS will be presenting a report writing masterclass.

Labs open to work on design and build (πŸ•› 12pm-4pm, πŸ”Œ EEE Electronics Lab, Level 3 Engineering and Maths Sciences)

The EEE labs will be open and staffed by our team of mentors to allow you and your team time to work on your design and build challenge entry!

Thursday 22nd February

Labs open to work on design and build (πŸ•™ 10am-4pm, πŸ”Œ EEE Electronics Lab, Level 3 Engineering and Maths Sciences)

The EEE labs will be open and staffed by our team of mentors to allow you and your team time to work on your design and build challenge entry!

Friday 23rd February

*Reports due at 11am

Labs open to work on design and build (πŸ•™ 10am-11am, πŸ”Œ EEE Electronics Lab, Level 3 Engineering and Maths Sciences)

The EEE labs will be open from 10am for your team to make final adjustments to your project and ensure that your report is submitted on time!

EEE Design and Build Heats (πŸ•š 11am-12pm, πŸ”Œ EEE Electronics Lab, Level 3 Engineering and Maths Sciences)

All teams will need to be in the labs as we conduct the heats to see who'll be progressing to the finals!

EME Lunch (πŸ•› 12pm-1pm)

The team from EEESAU and AMESS will be preparing a community lunch for all involved in the challenge. Food (and entertainment...) provided!

EME Design and Build Finals (πŸ• 1pm-2pm, 🏫 Ingkarni Wardli Atrium)

The moment that the week has been building up to! Both EEESAU and AMESS's Design and Build Finals will be held together in the Ingkarni Wardli Atrium!

EME Design and Build Presentations (πŸ•‘ 2pm-3pm, 🏫 Ingkarni Wardli Atrium)

Winner of the Design & Build Challenge will be announced and prizes awarded!